Monday, January 23, 2006

jerk-off cats, part deux

A visual tour of our cat-infested house.

This is Blanche. She hates us all. She will not be petted, but she will crap on a chair when we're about to have company. But, if you talk to her, she purrs and shows her belly. Her ample, substantial belly.

Hariette. The original gansta. Our number one cat. She thinks she's a dog. She goes outside for a few minutes at the time, and is likely the reason we have fleas all the damn time. She licks my feet when I get out of the shower. Don't know why, but she starts knocking on the bathroom door as soon as the water turns off.

Rufus. He's our gentle cutie boy. He treats Hariette like she's his mother, kneading on her belly like he's nursing. It's sweet and a little sick. He isn't fat at all, but is very heavy on his feet. The floor shakes when he walks past.

Sammy. He is originally Kev's cat, but has taken an on-again, off-again interest in me now. Mostly he only likes me when he's mad at Kev. He's a big guy, strong and muscular. Has a very weak meow/cry, and sounds a lot like Beaker from the Muppets. He's grown into his ears, thankfully.

And Sophia Stinkerbell. This image in black and white, but it's the best example of the half-face I referenced yesterday. She is a pain in the ass! But she's also sweet and lovey sometimes too. Has a strange habit of running into a room and announcing herself with a very demanding MEOW!! Especially not cute at 3 am.

The first three cats are my parents' cats. But since we live with them, hello, we have five cats. Jesus, that's a lot. I am destined to be an old lady with lots of cats. But given how cute they all are, I think I'm okay with that.


andrew m. said...

during that "lovely" year and a half i spent working nights, i had the weirdo habit of getting drunk on the mornings i'd return from work (shocker of the year, right?)and snapping pics of the kitties with the polaroid i got nicole for her b-day 2 years ago (which she subsequently BROKE!) i always tried to get shots of them doing the bad thangs they LOVE to do (elmore in "mid-fall" as he wrestled a garbage bag full of nicole's student's projects to the ground, rosie digging through the wastebasket, etc.) i titled them "jerkoff cat trading cards" and put little captions under each pic (GOTTA love polaroids for that!) and numbered them and put 'em in a crudely fashioned packaged crudely fashioned by crudely yours truly. nicole LOVED 'em but alas, most of them were lost in the move. memories (of jerkoff cats...)

Anonymous said...

The cat we had growing up scared the shit out of me :) As an eight year old I felt that cat could beat me up!! :oP